Are You Killing Your Intelligence?

Are You Killing Your Intelligence?

Whether you think you are exceptionally smart, average smart or below average smart, the intelligence you have is what you were gifted with. The trouble is if you don’t take care of your intelligence you can actually lose it. Most of us would agree that is something we don’t want to do. Let’s look at what things will jeopardize your brain. A genius

#1 Drinking

Alcohol can interfere with your intelligence and your ability to grasp certain subjects. Drinking occasionally isn’t going to kill all your brain cells, but if you drink alcohol or do drugs it is going to kill off some of your brain cells, which is going to make it harder for you to learn new things. So if you care about your intelligence don't drink alcohol!

#2 Creating and Evaluating

Did you know that you can’t look ahead and behind all at the same time. Did you know that you also cannot go up and down and the same time? Sure you did. But what you may not have realized is that when it comes to creating you cannot look forward and backward at the same time. If you are try to create and evaluate a project at the same time, your project’s never going to get off the ground.

So first decide what it is you want to create, then how it is going to work, and then you can draw out your plan to create your project. Once your project is implemented you can start to evaluate how it is doing. Trying to do it all at once is simply going to interfere with your brain and actually start to kill of brain cells.

#3 Believing You are an Expert

The expert syndrome is running rampant. Every one wants to be an expert and yet ironically this is a great way to kill off your intelligence. If you think you are an expert at everything you no longer learn. When you no longer learn your intelligence starts to falter. Instead, be open to recognizing there are many things you know nothing about and humble yourself to listening and learning from the experiences of others.

#4 Lacking Confidence

Lacking confidence and fearing failure actually go hand in hand. If you believe that you will mess up and you do not have the necessary confidence in what you do, then you will no longer grow and learn. Have confidence in yourself. Even if you get it wrong, you can learn from your mistakes.

#5 Fear

If you are always scared that you are going to fail at what you are doing, then you will never try anything new because your fears will stop you. If you never try anything new or do anything new you will stop learning and if you stop learning your intelligence will falter.

#6 Not Keeping Your HGH Levels Up

Many people are unaware of the role of HGH in the body. HGH is produced naturally by the pituitary gland and plays an important role in so many areas of our life including our brain. As we get older, our pituitary gland produces less HGH, and that affects our ability to learn. By taking an HGH booster like Genf20 Plus you can help your pituitary gland to produce more HGH and that helps to keep your brain sharp.

#7 Creating Limitations

You may already have some limitations in your life, such as your finances. When you create these false limitations you actually interfere with your ability to learn and as a result your intelligence will be affected negatively. When you create obstacles that don’t really exist, you are in essence killing your intelligence. It is time to remove these false limitations.

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