If you are looking for foods that will give you lots of energy, help you feel great, improve your quality of life and improve your life expectancy, you need not look any further, because we are about to share the top power foods you should eat. Are you ready?
Yogurt – Fat free yogurt is a good choice.
Yogurt is packed with lots of nutrients, including protein,
Vitamin B, and calcium. If you aren’t a milk drinker, yogurt is
a good alternative for your calcium, which builds strong bones
and teeth. Yogurt has good bacteria to help improve digestion.
Beans – If you find that beans give you gas you can soak them first. All beans are high in protein, including lentils, navy, kidney, chickpea, etc. This is a plant protein and so it does not contain a lot of carbs, fat or calories. Eating a healthy portion of beans is a great way to get your fiber and improve your digestive system.
Fruits – Are packed with antioxidants such as Vitamin A and C. Antioxidants will fight free radicals that cause damage to your body and that increase your risk of getting cancer. Grapes and blueberries have the highest antioxidants. Choose a full range of fruit to get the maximum benefits.
Allium Foods – This is a class of food that includes leeks, shallots, onions and garlic. Garlic has been recognized for its ability to lower cholesterol. Allium vegetables will aid in guarding the body from cancer and other ailments, as well as, lowering blood pressure and preventing blood clots. Eat these vegetables in their natural state to get the most health benefits from them.
Oatmeal – Once again, oatmeal has become a very popular food, especially since it has been linked to lowering cholesterol. You can use rolled oats to make it yourself or you can purchase instant oatmeal if you are in a rush to eat. Oatmeal is also filled with fiber that can help to keep you feeling full longer and keep your blood sugar constant.
Acai – In recent times, we have heard a lot about Acai berry, which is packed with antioxidants and known to increase energy. You can get more done and look your best while doing it. Acai can be taken as juice or in the form of a supplement, available at your local health food store.
Salmon – When you eat foods rich in Omega 3 fatty acids, you can reduce your risk of heart disease. While salmon is a fatty fish it contains good fats known to improve the health of both adults and children. It is a good source of protein and a good choice after exercise to build muscle tissue.
Flax Seed – Rich in Omega 3 fatty acids and it also contains Omega 6 and Omega 9 fatty acids to help fight heart disease, cholesterol and diabetes. Add ground flax to your smoothies, or sprinkle it on
Nuts & Seeds – Don’t avoid nuts because they are high in fat. Almonds, peanuts, walnuts, pistachios, Brazil nuts, etc. all contain the good fats and protein. Replace breadcrumbs with a fine powder of crushed nuts.
Peppers – Not only are peppers, nice and colorful they are packed with vitamins and antioxidants. Peppers range from mild to burning hot, and there are also sweet peppers. Capsaicin is the active ingredient in peppers that helps with pain relief, inflammation and it lowers the risk of heart disease and cancer.
When you combine these power foods with exercise and an HGH supplement like GenF20 Plus, you will really begin to notice the benefits to your health. Good food and exercise helps to keep you younger and healthier, while an HGH supplement will help your pituitary gland to naturally increase production of HGH, which slows the aging process.
Sadly, many of us are unaware that we can slow the aging process with the right lifestyle choices and a proven HGH supplement. That’s because most of us aren’t even aware of the HGH benefits and its role in our body. We just assume that aging is inevitable and that the speed we age is linked to our genetics, which is why some people age so much faster than others. This simply isn’t true.
The pituitary gland produces HGH at its highest levels when we are growing, but by the time we are in our 20s it is already slowing and by the 30s it has dropped significantly, which is why we start to see wrinkles, find our energy depleting, our libido declining, we start to gain weight especially in the mid section and we start to lose muscle tone. For more on HGH go to this link!
The good news is that it doesn’t have to be like this at all! Today is the day to choose to start to live a healthier lifestyle and take an HGH supplement such as genf20 Plus. You’ll be amazed at the changes.
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