These days, it can get so confusing trying to determine what food to eat and which ones to avoid. This is likely more so if you are someone who wishes to avoid all types of cancer and maintain good health. Who wouldn't?
There are foods that are believed to help in the fight against cancer. There are also others that are thought to increase your risk of having the dreaded disorder.
You will find in this article some foods and food additives that many believe to cause cancer. Who knows? You may be able to avoid the disease, which is characterized by abnormal cell growth, by avoiding these ones.
It is no longer a secret that refined sugar is the root cause of many health issues today. And cancer happens to be one of those. This is why some conclude that it kills even more people than all drugs.
Refined sugars practically give cancer cells wings to fly. They cause your insulin levels to surge, thereby speeding up cancerous cell growth.
High-fructose corn syrup, a popular additive in many processed foods, is probably the worst culprit. Many manufacturers use because it is cheaper and e than sucrose made from sugar cane. It raises the risk of you having obesity and type 2 diabetes more.
Researchers have found that cancer cells so much love refined sugars. Little wonder that diabetes drugs are used by oncologists to deal with cancer cells.
More and more people are beginning to realize the risk that genetically modified organisms (GMOs) can potentially pose to health. In particular, many individuals are aware of how they can increase one's risk of having cancer.
GMOs were introduced around the mid-90s. The biggest use of the technology has been in production of agricultural crops since its introduction. It has been adopted by many large-scale farmers in the United States.
But there have been debates on safety. Some experts believe that sufficient testing was not carried out prior to making GMO foods available to consumers.
Since when they became available, increase in cases of chronic conditions, including cancer, has been observed. This may not be surprising when you realize that at least 90 percent of the corn, cotton, soy, and canola are believed to use GMO technology.
You should be careful of GMO foods because there is uncertainty over their long-term effect on human health.
It is almost common knowledge now that pesticides that farmers often use pose grave risk to health. Yet, this is what you get with non-organic produce, including fruits and vegetables. Fertilizers that are used to promote greater growth also pose a risk.
It is, therefore, a wise move to always wash your apples, strawberries, oranges, and other fruits as well as vegetables very well before consumption. While this doesn't completely eliminate risk with non-organic produce, it may help to reduce it.
Certain oils are known to offer health benefits, but not all oils are good. You should avoid hydrogenated oils to enhance health outcome. These are the types that require chemical for their extraction – that is, they cannot be extracted naturally. More chemicals may be added to improve flavor and smell as well.
Manufacturers often add hydrogen to vegetable oil to prolong their shelf life. But this reduces the amount of polyunsaturated fats, which is beneficial, while increasing that of trans fats. The latter can increase your risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease.
Hydrogenated oils are believed capable of causing cancer. They have the potential to alter cell membrane structure. Loaded with omega-6 fatty acids, these oils have been associated with birth defects.
The sad thing is that many people use hydrogenated oils without realizing the risks. Always make sure you cook with healthy oils, such as canola or olive oil.
White bread, white pasta, or high gluten wheat are part of many diets. After all, they are deemed to be safe for eating.
But the dangers of these types of food are increasingly being brought to the light. This is because they are made with refined white flour, which has lost practically all nutritional value during processing.
Manufacturers use chlorine gas to bleach the flour to boost its appeal to consumers. For one, this gas can cause someone to die by inhaling. Its use also raises the glycemic index of flour bleached with it.
Foods with high glycemic index causes significant surge in your blood sugar and insulin levels. Elevated blood sugar provides ample sustenance for cancer cells to thrive on. Refined carbohydrates were found to increase the risk of breast cancer by about 220% in one study.
Convenience is a major criterion for many people these days, including in terms of what they eat. Demand for canned foods is a good indicator of that. People don’t want to go through the stress of preparing a meal from the scratch.
Bad news: consumption of canned products can increase your risk of having cancer. Cans and plastic containers for packaged foods can become contaminated with bisphenol A (BPA) or phthalates.
These are hormone disruptors that are linked to not only cancer, but also a number of other issues, including infertility, diabetes, obesity, and neurological disorders.
Research shows that the phytochemical lycopene that is present in tomatoes can protect you against cancer. However, canned tomatoes may do harm than good. This is because BPA can leach into them.
Here is another food that people are often cautioned against. A major reason for that is with regard to how it can contribute to cancer.
But red meat is not the problem in and of itself. You can actually benefit from including moderate amounts in your diet. The main concern with red meats has to do with those that are not grass-fed. These ones can increase your risk of developing colon cancer.
So, it pays to watch how often you eat red meat, especially when you don’t know whether the animals were grass-fed or not.
Now, you are probably surprised to learn that spicy foods may cause cancer. This is when you consider that spices are mostly known to actually help against the disorder.
A group of researchers noted in a 2017 meta-analysis of studies on this link that highly spicy foods containing capsaicin, such as chili pepper and kimchi, may raise the risk of cancer [1]. They concluded that people who consume spicy foods regularly are at significantly greater risk.
It was observed, however, that high spicy food consumption only increases the risk of gastric cancer significantly.
The conclusion is no doubt surprising, considering capsaicin is known for its anti-carcinogenic properties. It helps with activation of apoptosis, inhibition of angiogenesis, and control of cell growth. All these point to potential benefits in fighting against cancer.
The point here seems to be that you should moderate your intake of highly spicy foods.
Manufacturers often add flavoring to foods and drinks to boost their attractiveness to customers. Although the Food and Drug Administration considers them safe for use, artificial food colors can expose people to cancer, increase hyperactivity in children, and worsen asthma symptoms.
To its credit, the FDA banned the use of Red Dye No. 2 in the ‘70s after research showed that it may cause cancer. But there are those who believe that there are other food colors in use that may lead to similar risk.
This is a form of the free amino acid glutamate. Monosodium glutamate looks a lot like sugar or salt crystals and is present in a wider variety of foods than you can easily place your hand on.
You will find it in such things as tomatoes, soybeans, OTC medications, chewing gum, and infant feeding formulas. The list is long – yet, you cannot easily detect it in that it comes under dozens of brand names.
There have been reports of people saying monosodium glutamate makes them sick. The flavor enhancer may also cause stomach cancer and kill brain cells.
We go back to the sugar angle in highlighting the dangers of soft drinks and why you need to avoid them.
These drinks are usually loaded with refined sugars, calories, and other ingredients that offer zilch nutritional benefits. Estimates have it that a 12-ounce can of soda, for instance, contains between 10 and 13 teaspoons of sugar. That’s ample amount for cancer cells to feast on.
And you can scarcely be careful enough with soft drinks. Researchers have found that just two cans of soda a week raises the risk of pancreatic cancer by almost double.
If soft drinks are dangerous, alcoholic alternatives may be better, right? Wrong! Do not think that you are safer by opting for alcohol consumption instead.
You will be increasing your risk of developing cancer if you drink regularly or in high amounts. Alcohol is a leading cause of the disorder. Excessive intake leads to various forms, including colorectal, esophageal, and breast cancers.
A lot of chemicals and high amounts of salt are often present in processed meats. These are capable of causing serious health issues, including damage to cells. They are included to preserve meat products, but sometimes end up posing grave risk to consumers.
Preservatives such as sodium nitrite or nitrate are used for curing and processing meat products. You will find them in foods such as hot dogs, sausages, bacon, and canned meats.
Sodium nitrite is believed to be capable of causing gastric cancer. This form accounted for most of the deaths attributed to the dreaded disorder before the 1930s, when meat curing was more widely practiced. Reduction in death from gastric cancer was observed following increased adoption of modern refrigeration in place of curing.
Grilling of processed meats also leads to release of heterocyclic aromatic amines, which are believed to be carcinogenic.
It has been argued that artificial sweeteners are great sugar substitutes, especially for those looking to lose weight. But they could potentially do worse damage.
Aspartame is a good example of artificial sweeteners, and a very popular one. It was introduced decades ago – precisely, around 1981. Notable brand names include NutraSweet and Equal.
This sweetener, like others, has been plagued with controversies. It has been reported to cause mood disturbances, seizures, and decline in mental sharpness, among other issues. The more recent complaint is that it could contribute to cancer.
Studies have suggested that increasing cases of cancer may be partly in connection to aspartame. However, most health organizations think there is no conclusive evidence showing that approved artificial sweeteners are threats to health.
There are many types of additives that can be found in the foods that people eat. Sodium benzoate is yet another one of them. It is used for preservation and can be found in many processed foods and drinks.
Often, foods that contain this preservative also have artificial colors. This increases the risk of hyperactivity in children who consume such foods.
Worse still, benzene may form from reactions in soft drinks containing both sodium benzoate and vitamin C. This substance is believed to be capable of causing cancer.
The FDA tested about 200 sample beverages containing both sodium benzoate and vitamin C across stores in different states in 2006 and 2007. It found that four of these had benzene levels that were considerably higher than federal safety standards.
Many chefs these days consider health effects in preparation of dishes - you can see that in some cooking classes shown on TV. But they are not always right.
Sometimes, those supervising such classes, perhaps unintentionally, seem to encourage deep frying or overcooking. And there are people who do this anyway without anyone encouraging them to do it.
Deep frying and overcooking eliminates practically all nutrients present in food. What is often left is something for cancer cells to thrive on. Such foods can encourage free radicals to have a field day, giving them room to cause a variety of health issues, including this awful disorder.
Fish have a reputation of being among the healthiest foods anyone can take. This is especially so with the likes of salmon and tuna.
But modern practices of commercial fish farming pose threats to health. Fish raised on farms are often exposed to toxic substances that have potential to cause cancer. These include polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), antibiotics, pesticides, and things found in materials such as asbestos known to cause cancer.
The farmers use these potentially toxic substances to enhance profitability. They can help to make fish bigger and well protected against disease outbreaks, among other benefits.
Sadly, some people believe that most of the salmon available to consumers in the United States are farm-raised. Estimates put their proportion at more than 60 percent of the market. That's certainly frightening!
You will be doing yourself so much good by opting for wild varieties when including fish in your diet. Such contains more healthful omega-3 fatty acids.
Irradiation is a means of reducing risk of food contamination by germs. Many people in the U.S. often irradiate their foods to keep them safe. There is no short supply of irradiated meats, spices, and other foods on the market.
But radiation is known to play a role in the incidence of cancer. Some people belief that consuming foods treated with it can increase the risk of developing this disorder.
Experts, however, say that radiation does not linger in irradiated foods. It may be advisable to limit consumption of such, though.
This list of foods and food additives that may cause cancer is not exhaustive. There are still others that some people say could be problematic - an example is microwave popcorn.
It can certainly get confusing deciding what to eat or not, with contradictory claims out there. But do not let that disturb you much.
You may simply see a list such as this one as something to guide your consumption of certain foods. It doesn't necessarily mean that you should avoid everything.
The more important thing is to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Avoid junk foods, exercise regularly, quit smoking, sleep well, and do other things your doctor recommends to promote good health.
High Spicy Food Intake and Risk of Cancer: A Meta-analysis of Case–control Studies (
16 Cancer-Causing Foods You Should Avoid! #15 Completely Shocked Me! (
Top 17 toxic foods, preservatives and additives that are causing cancer (
Top 10 Cancer Causing Foods (
The Truth about 7 Common Food Additives (
Food additives, safety, and organic foods (
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