How Can Water Fasting Improve Your Health and Is It Safe?

How Can Water Fasting Improve Your Health and Is It Safe?

Fasting is an ancient practice. Before now, people do it mainly for religious reasons or for self-discipline. The story is different today, as research has now shown that there are health benefits associated with it.

Water fasting is a form of fasting that promises majority, if not all, of the benefits that researchers said you may get from fasting. What does it entail? What are the promised benefits and is it safe? We cover these and practically all other things you may wish to know about it.

What is Water Fasting?

Put simply, water fasting describes the practice of taking nothing besides water for some length of time. It requires you doing without solid foods for the duration of the fast.

It is no secret that many people are turned off by the idea of fasting, even with the awesome health benefits on offer. But water fasting is a form that a good number of such individuals may actually find easy to do.

This is considered a very potent way of promoting thorough healing. It helps to refresh your body system and to significantly reduce the risk of many medical conditions.

Water fasts can last for just a couple of days or for weeks. Expectedly, majority of those who undertake them only do so for a few days. But there are reports of some people continuing for up to a month, even for longer.

It should be emphasized that water fasting involves consumption of only water. It precludes intake of beverages, such as tea or coffee, "calorie-free" drinks, or juices.

Some popular diets take inspiration from water fasting. A good example is the lemon detox cleanse. Juice fasting is another form some people may consider, although the benefits may not be at the same level.

How Does Water Fasting Work?

A major reason there is increasing incidence of health issues today is the nature of the average diet. Many people maintain diets that have high amounts of animal-based or processed foods. Some constituents of these cause problems in the body over time.

It is argued that certain molecules or substances you find in an average Western diet stays in the body for a long time. And this is not really a good thing.

Common constituents such as stabilizers, preservatives, colorings, and flavorings may build up in your body. With time, these can begin to cause health problems and create conditions that favor chronic diseases.

It is believed that water fasting help to get rid of harmful remnants in the body. It cleanses your system at the cellular level. As a result, some people are said to come out of it feeling a lot refreshed and more agile than ever.

Your body uses the energy that would, otherwise, have been used to digest the foods you eat to get rid of harmful substances. This is a means by which it is able to expedite the body healing process.

Fasting causes the exhaustion of glycogen reserves in your liver for energy production. The result of this is the beginning of a process known as ketosis. This describes the use of fat as fuel. Higher levels of ketones in the blood, which is seen when ketosis kicks in, can help to suppress appetite.

From the foregoing, you can see why ketones are these days being hailed by some as being helpful for promoting fat loss.

Researchers have found that water fasting may boost autophagy. This process involves the breakdown and recycling of old cell parts to make new ones. It is a vital survival mechanism of the body and guards against many unpleasant medical conditions, including cancer and Alzheimer's disease.

So, what benefits can you expect from water fasting? Come with us as we discuss some that are often mentioned in the next several sections.

Promotes Weight Loss

Without doubt, many people consider fasting because of the potential to help them maintain a healthy weight. We already gave an idea how this can be possible in the preceding section.

By promoting ketosis, water fasting causing your body to shift attention to fat reserves for energy production after some time. Greater amount of ketones in circulation also helps to keep your appetite under control.

Another thing is that water fasting can boost leptin sensitivity. What this means is that you have a feeling of been full, reducing your craving for food.

However, while there are studies hinting that water fasting may help you lose weight, some experts think certain people may only succeed in losing water weight. They argue that you may also lose muscle mass as a result.

Reduces Blood Pressure

With water fasting, you may be able to lower your risk of hypertension. It lowers blood pressure and may help keep that within normal range. Evidence from research supports this.

In a study, researchers got people with hypertension to participate in water fast lasting about 11 days – after they had previously eaten just fruits and vegetables for about three days. They then followed up the water-only fast with a vegan diet for roughly seven days.

These participants had blood pressure readings higher than 140 mm HG systolic or 90 mm HG, or greater than both at the start of the trial.

It was found that the readings for majority (about 90%) of the subjects reduced to lower than 140/90 mm HG at the end of the trial. Also, those who previously were taking drugs to lower their blood pressure were able to stop using them.

Researchers found in another study that more than 80 percent of patients with borderline high blood pressure saw their readings drop to 120/80 mm Hg. This was after 14 days of water fasting supervised by medical professionals.

May Reverse Arthritis

You may be lucky to reverse your arthritis through water fasting. It is becoming increasingly clear that diet may be the best chance anyone has for beating these painful disorders.

Many of the foods people eat these days promote inflammation. As you may know, this is a big issue in cases of arthritis, including osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Research suggests that fasting can promote anti-inflammatory effects in the body. With water fasting, you may experience less joint pain and stiffness.

It is also thought that it may help fight arthralgia (joint pain) and to lower dependence on painkillers for relief.

Researchers have observed that joint pain tend to be less intense in arthritic individuals while fasting. In one 1984 study, 25 out of 31 patients evaluated reported fair to excellent improvement in their symptoms after water fasting for a week.

In addition to rheumatoid arthritis, you can get help in dealing with several other autoimmune diseases when you water fast. These include psoriatic arthritis, lupus, rosacea, and ankylosing spondylitis.

Relieves Back Pain

This benefit is somewhat controversial, if we can call it that. Some say water fasting can relieve back pain, while others say it may aggravate it.

Yes, this benefit may not hold for everybody, but it looks feasible for individuals who are on the heavy side.

Back pain is a common complaint among people who are overweight or obese. And it is easy to see why. By helping to shed weight, water fasting may be helpful in doing away with a major contributor to the back pain issue.

While researching for this article, we came across an account by a young lady who weighed about 395 pounds when she started water fasting. She said it helped her get rid of debilitating pain that had restricted her movement for months. This effect was observed by the fifth day of a 15-day fasting period.

But from our observation, lower back pain appears to be a common complaint from water fasting. There is a line of thought that this may be as a result of high concentration of toxins in the region.

Regulates Blood Sugar

People with elevated blood sugar levels may also want to give water fasting a try. There are even those who believe that total reversal of type II diabetes is possible with fasting.

When you water fast, one of the effects is that insulin sensitivity in your body improves. This enhances the ability to regulate the amount of sugar in the blood.

Research by cardiologists at the Intermountain Medical Center Heart Institute, for instance, revealed that fasting can help to lower blood glucose.

Enhances Mental Function

If you found your brain function isn’t as great as it once used to be, you may need to give fasting a go. There are studies showing that it can help in this regard. The ketosis that results from water fasting is a mechanism by which you can get this benefit.

As the levels of glucose in your body dwindle, there is a switch to the use of ketones as fuel. There is an argument that ketones make for more efficient fuel for your brain. So, you may experience better focus, enhanced mood, and improved mental clarity, among other benefits.

Bolsters Immune Function

People with poor immunity are among the individuals who may find water fasting to be of immense benefits. Experts now have evidence showing it could help with poor immune function. It improves the activity of macrophages, which are white blood cells that detect and get rid of pathogens.

When you fast, one of the benefits you can get is rise in the levels of immunoglobulin and in neutrophil bactericidal activity. The practice promotes greater cell-mediated immunity.

Researchers observed in a 2014 study that water fasting can help you develop new white blood cells. Of course, this meant a more efficient immune system. The effect was observed after only three days of fasting.

Protects Against Cardiovascular Disease

Water fasting has been found to help lower the risk of cardiovascular disease. It can be of use in guarding against congestive heart failure and untimely death.

When you water fast, you are protecting your heart against damage by free radicals. It can also assist in reducing triglycerides and total cholesterol levels while improving the amount of the beneficial high-density lipoprotein, the so-called "good" cholesterol.

Research cardiologists reported lower risk of coronary artery disease and increased production of beneficial cholesterol among the benefits of fasting in the Intermountain Medical Center Heart Institute study cited earlier.

In another study, a significant drop in blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels was reported in healthy adults who observed a water fast that lasted only 24 hours.

Lowers Risk of Cancer

There is increasing evidence that fasting can help to reduce the risk of having cancer. Autophagy is one of the means by which this can be possible.

Water fasting can help to break down old parts of your cells for recycling to produce new parts. This can keep these old, damage parts from building up to increase the risk of developing several types of cancer.

When you water fast, this can help you reduce oxidative damage and inflammation, key contributors to cancer. Research shows that you can lower the levels of cytokines, which promote inflammation, through fasting.

University of Yale researchers found that beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) can inhibit NLRP3. The latter is an inflammasome that promotes inflammatory response and plays a role in several disorders, including cancer and Alzheimer's disease.

The researchers posited that fasting offers a very 7effective means of increasing the production of BHB.

Research also suggests that water fasting can protect your healthy cells against chemotherapy. It may also help to improve the efficacy of the latter treatment.

Guards Against Other Diseases

By lowering inflammation and oxidative damage, water fasting can guard against many other chronic diseases. These include:

On the basis of this, it is easier to understand historical evidence suggesting longer life span from fasting. Laboratory findings indicate that this practice may actually help you live longer.

Boosts Growth Hormone Levels

Another means by which water fasting can enhance your health is through the effect it has on natural growth hormone production.

This substance is essential for growth and development. It promotes cell repair and regeneration. HGH helps to build lean muscle mass and to slow effects of aging.

There are studies showing that you may increase your HGH levels through fasting. In one of such, it was found that a 24-hour fast led to an increase of almost 2,000% in men!

It is known that there is an inverse relationship between growth hormone and blood glucose levels. Fasting causes a reduction in blood sugar, causing HGH levels to increase.

Right Way to Do Water Fasting

If you want to water fast and you haven't done so in the past, it is advisable to limit the duration to no longer than three days. You should consider preparing your body for the fast days before it starts.

When you begin the fast, you have to ensure the water you will be consuming is pure and high quality. Consumption of water straight from the tap may not cut it as it may re-introduce toxins. Some people choose to filter their tap water while others simply go for distilled water.

There appears to be no consensus on the right amount of water to consume during a fast. This ranges mostly between about 2 and 4 liters per day. Your body should give you the right signal.

It is important to drink not too much or too little to avoid issues.

It is not a great idea for you to drive an automobile or to operate heavy machinery when water fasting. The fast may make you feel dizzy and less alert. This increases the risk of having an accident.

When it's time to break your fast, you need to do so with caution. Do not rush to have a large meal to quickly compensate for the ones you have gone without.

Rather, you should start with something less harsh or tasking on your stomach. Examples include fermented or soft-cooked vegetables and fruits that are gentle on the stomach. Bone broth is also great for breaking a water fast.

You should consider checking into a facility with medical professionals if you wish to fast longer than three days. Such fasts comes with certain hazards you want to guard against. When you check into a medically supervised facility, your vital signs can be properly monitored to ensure things aren't go wrong.

Be Sure You're in Right Condition

It is crucial to make sure you are in good shape before embarking on a water fast. This is still relevant even if you intend fasting for only 1-2 days.

You should consider speaking with your doctor before starting your fast. There are tests that may be ordered to assess whether that will be a good decision. Full CBC is an example of such.

Water fasting is not something anybody can just go right ahead and do without thinking. There are some people who should not attempt it. They include:

Water fasting may not be ideal for you if you have a phobia for fasting. It is probably not advisable for you if you just don't feel good about it.

There are other forms of fasting to consider in case this doesn't sound exciting. They include intermittent fasting and juice fasting.

Water Fasting Risks

There are apparently risks that may come with water fasting. Some of these may actually not be expected by many people.

For instance, you may find it surprising to learn that you may suffer dehydration when you water fast. Why? The water you consume daily isn't your only source for hydration. A proportion of the fluid in your body comes from foods you eat.

It is easy for people who water fast to miss this fact. This may make them to continue taking same amount of water, even less, daily. Of course, this gives room for dehydration.

Also, while it is widely known that you can lose weight with fasting, there is risk of unintended weight loss. What does that mean? It is possible that you may lose lean muscle, which will be a serious concern for someone desiring youthful look.

People who water fast often experience a condition known as orthostatic hypotension. This describes a drop in blood pressure when someone stands suddenly. It can make you feel dizzy or to even faint.

Water fasting may aggravate some medical conditions, including chronic kidney disease and eating disorders.

Final Thoughts On Water Fasting

Apparently, there is so much you can gain from a water fast. It can aid weight loss, boost immune function, protect against cardiovascular disease and heart failure, and lower risk of cancer. There is debate over some of these benefits, though.

Most people who do water fasting do so for 1-3 days. Some others may take theirs up to 30 days or longer. However, medical supervision is very important if you desire to fast longer than 72 hours.

It is helpful to get yourself checked to be truly sure water fasting is ideal for you. Juice fasting and intermittent fasting are two of the other forms of fasting you may consider, if a water fast doesn't sound appealing.

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Water Fasting: Benefits and Dangers (

The Health Benefits of Water Fasting by Stephen Harrod Buhner (

FASTING – An Effective Ancient Therapy for Today’s Health (

Water Fasting Benefits, Dangers, & My Own Experience | Wellness Mama (

Are There Benefits to Water Fasting and Juice Fasting? (

Diet: Only Hope for Arthritis | Dr. McDougall's Health & Medical Center (

Severe lower back pain while water fasting at Fasting: Water Only, topic 1991371 (

Reflections on a 15 Day Water Fast (-25lbs down): fasting (





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