Aging is nothing out of the ordinary – it is an entirely natural process. But many people are thrown off balance when they start noticing signs of aging and are ready to do whatever they can to maintain younger appearance. There are a large variety of products that have been available on the market to help people fight aging. But the best approach to tackling this problem is to be proactive. You need to guard against factors known to cause aging, including certain diseases and conditions. Let’s check out some of the disorders that can make you age faster and which you may need to watch out for.
This is a type of disease that forces the body to turn on itself. Autoimmune disease puts the immune system in an overactive mode, causing it to attack cells, tissues and organs in the body. This phenomenon results in premature aging, among other problems, and could potentially be deadly. Research has shown that the chronic inflammation that results from this disease can cause your skin to deteriorate gradually, speeding up skin aging. Examples of autoimmune disease are rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus and multiple sclerosis.
The thyroid gland is known to produce hormones that facilitate metabolism in the body. It helps to prevent weight gain, regulate body temperature and improve your cognitive function as well as mood. An underactive thyroid gland results in the condition known as hypothyroidism. This has been said to make people age faster and is common among middle-aged people. The problem gives rise to metabolic aging, in which case your body’s metabolism slows down, leading to symptoms such as weight gain and lethargy. An underactive thyroid gland can result in your skin becoming dry and flaky. You will notice aging signs such as fine lines and wrinkles. Eye bags, hair loss and brittle nails are some of the other symptoms you may notice from hypothyroidism.
It has been known for years that sugar can accelerate aging. This explains why sugar consumption is always advised against in weight loss programs. In the United States, it is estimated that people consume equivalent of about 22 tablespoons of sugar on a daily basis. Shocking, right? Little wonder that many soon start to battle with signs of aging such as wrinkles.
Collagen and elastin are two vital components needed to maintain a healthy-looking, youthful skin. These are adversely affected by sugar. They are damaged through a process known as glycation, setting off premature skin aging – and that is in the case of a healthy person. Being a diabetic and older than 30 years further accelerate the pace at which your skin develops wrinkles. Collagen production drops sharply from the mid-30s and this is exacerbated by high amount of sugar in the blood.
This condition has been found to cause accelerated skin aging. Psoriasis, also referred to as plaque psoriasis, is a common inflammatory disorder of the skin. It mostly affects areas such as the scalp, elbows, fingernails, knees, trunk, and skin folds. Symptoms of psoriasis include itchy skin, silvery scales in patches on your skin, and redness. It usually affects the parts of the body that are covered by clothes and may develop gradually or suddenly. The disorder can start as early as the teen years. It is not consider highly bothersome and people may not be aware you have it until you take off your clothes.
A well-functioning immune system is needed to maintain good health and great body. If for any reason it is not working as it should, there is bound to be problems. That is the experience of an average HIV patient, especially one without access to sufficient antiretroviral therapy. The harmful effects that could arise from infections due to a weakened immune system have the capacity to accelerate the aging process, which referred to as senescence.
In people with HIV, the immune system is constantly in battle against the virus to prevent reproduction and worsening of the condition. This makes the immune system to be overactive and results in inflammation, which is part of the body's attempt to protect itself and repair damage to tissues. However, this inflammation, if not controlled, can cause serious damage to the body, including causing plaques to build up in the arteries resulting in stroke and heart attack. Scientists have observed that the longer the immune system is involved in battle with HIV, the higher the risk of experiencing immune exhaustion or immunosenescence. When this happens, immune cells are unable to react adequately to harmful substances or infections.
The risk factors that make an average person prone to age-related problems are usually greater in people with the virus, with these making them more likely to have poorer health as they age. In other words, HIV-positive individuals are more likely to experience age-related issues, such as loss of lean muscle mass, brittle bones, liver disease and cardiovascular disease, at a younger age than people who are negative to the virus. The virus could make them have diseases that usually show up in the 60s in their 40s.
Also known as Hutchinson-Gilford syndrome, progeria is an extreme aging disorder that starts in early childhood. The progeroid syndrome is genetic but not always hereditary because carriers rarely live long enough to have children. It involves mutation of genes which occur independently. Progeria sufferers typically appear to have abnormally large head because their bodies do not experience normal growth. Symptoms of the condition include wrinkles, baldness, and age-related disorders of the lungs, kidneys and heart.
Persons born with progeria usually do not live longer than their early 20s. So you probably do not need to bother about this disorder much since individual that young typically have no interest in anti-aging. The condition is extremely rare, affecting just about 1 in every 8 million newborns. Researchers have shown significant interest in it because they think it might provide some clues about the natural aging process.
This is another progeroid syndrome which is characterized by significantly accelerated aging. Werner syndrome can affect older people, unlike in the case of progeria. The hereditary disorder starts during adolescence or may be delayed until when you attain the age of 30. It causes the skin to become inelastic and wrinkled and could result in baldness, graying hair, muscle weakness, small stature and sunken cheeks. Age-related conditions such as diabetes, osteoporosis, muscle wasting, cataracts and atherosclerosis have all been associated to this health problem. Werner syndrome is a rare condition, but less so than progeria. It is estimated to affect about 1 in every 1 million people. Sufferers also live longer (up to 50 years), with most dying from cancer or heart disease.
Individuals with Down syndrome are more likely to age faster. Research has shown that these people tend to start showing signs of aging earlier in life than is usually the case with other people. The system of those with the condition tends to age faster than that of an average person. Scientists say Down syndrome causes different parts of the body of affected individuals to age at a faster pace. This, they note, explains why this population is likely to have more medical problems as they get older.
A study published in the journal Aging Cell in 2015 showed that aging of brain tissue in individuals with Down syndrome occurs at a pace around 11 years faster than is considered normal. A molecular aging marker called an epigenetic clock was used to evaluate samples from those having the condition and those who don't to reach this conclusion. The samples were taken from the brain, blood, white blood cells, and the buccal mucosa (inner lining of the lips and cheeks). Down syndrome patients have life expectancy of about 60 years and are at more than six times higher risk of having Alzheimer's disease.
Human growth hormone (hGH or HGH) is a 191-amino-acid polypeptide that helps to promote growth and development in children and adolescence. It facilitates cell regeneration in humans. The hormone is said to be capable of helping your body repair or replace damaged or dead cells. It promotes overall health and wellbeing.
But the level of this hormone begins to drop as people get older. It is estimated that your body produces about 500 mcg of the natural substance per day in your early 20s. This drops to about 200 mcg by age 40 and as low as 25 mcg per day by age 80. This decline can lead to growth hormone deficiency at some point. It brings about signs of aging, including wrinkles, loss of lean muscle mass, brittle bones and accumulation of body fat.
HGH releasers (secretagogues) such as genf20 Plus, regular exercise, healthy diet and quality sleep are some of the means by which you can raise your growth hormone levels to manage these aging signs. In some adults, growth hormone deficiency is recognized as a clinical syndrome and synthetic HGH (somatropin) injections, which are the most effective, can be used for treatment.
Also known as clinical depression or major depressive disorder, depression is another condition that is known to contribute to onset of age-related issues. The problems it creates go beyond the persistent feelings of sadness and blue mood you experience. It causes premature cell death and, of course, accelerated aging. How? Clinical depression adversely affects telomeres, which are cell structures in the body that play a role in determining how long and well a person lives.
The protracted feelings of sadness and worthlessness that is associated to this mental disorder contribute to shortening of telomeres. When this happens, human genetic material (DNA) in cells is negatively impacted, with cell division halted. The telomere shortening leads to death of the affected cells, making you to age faster. Parts of the body with rapidly-dividing tissues, such as the hair and skin, show signs of aging faster.
In addition to the effect shortening of telomeres can have on aging, depression raises the level of stress hormones in the body. This further compounds the aging problem.
You will do well to guard against these diseases and conditions, if you are really interested in slowing aging. Symptoms that suggest such should be reported immediately to your doctor for proper guidance on what to do. Individuals who smoke, drink alcohol, or spend significant amount of time in the sun are among those at higher risk of aging faster. An antioxidant-rich diet, adequate water intake, regular exercise and quality sleep are quite essential in fighting aging. And yes, you may benefit from the use of growth hormone releasers to deal with decline in hGH levels that set in with age.
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